The former Indian captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni will once again take the charge of Chennai Super Kings in the upcoming edition of IPL 2023. Captain cool has already arrived in Chennai on March 2 and they are practicing very hard to make it count big in the upcoming IPL edition. The MS Dhoni side will take against Gujarat Titans in the opening match of the IPL 2023 which will happen on 31st March in Ahmedabad.
With the upcoming season of the tournament, some known players and staff members of the Chennai-based franchise are currently preparing themselves through practice sessions held at the M. A. Chidambaram Stadium is located in Chennai. The official Twitter handle of Chennai Super Kings has shared a video showing the team’s captain MS Dhoni practicing on the net.
Dhoni is known for hitting massive sixes and it seems that Thala fans will get to see some more eye-soothing sixes from him. The video shows MS Dhoni executing a ‘no-look’ six with his remarkable style.
The team had a poor performance, finishing second from the bottom on the points table after securing only four victories in 14 matches. The team also encountered internal issues as Ravindra Jadeja, who was appointed as the captain of CSK before the start of IPL 2022 but after a lethargic performance in the first seven matches, Dhoni once again came as captain for the team.