Supreme Court issues notice to former Indian captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni. This notice has been issued to him in connection with the transaction of Rs 150 crore with Amrapali Group. Actually, there is a dispute going on regarding the delivery of flats of Amrapali Group. The case was heard in the Supreme Court on Monday. While discussion, the name of the former Indian captain also highlighted to the fore.
Dhoni has to take dues of Rs 150 crore from Amrapali Group. On the other hand, the customers of the group are not getting their flats. Now the issue has been raised in the Supreme Court regarding this. In such a situation, the court has filed a notice to Amrapali Group and Dhoni. Not only this, the Supreme Court has also stayed the arbitration proceedings initiated by the Delhi High Court against Amrapali Group. The proceedings were initiated by the Delhi High Court on Dhoni’s plea.
Dhoni had applied in the Delhi High Court that Amrapali had not paid his fees. He had sought the court’s arbitration regarding this. In this case, the Supreme Court has given notice to Dhoni.
Amrapali Group said that due to lack of funds, people are not getting flats and on the other hand, Dhoni has taken the matter to the mediation committee, demanding Rs 150 crore. If the arbitral committee takes decision in favour of Dhoni, then Amrapali Group will have to pay Rs 150 crore. In such a situation, it will be difficult for the buyers to get the flat. In the same case, now the Supreme Court has given notice to Dhoni.
According to receiver’s report,”the sinking cum reserve fund shall be created to make provision of shortfall in construction cost and interest cost, if any. All the homebuyers across shall be asked to deposit a sum calculated at Rs 200 per square foot for booked units in that and such funds, if not utilised, shall be refunded back to them on overall completion of the projects. Since the initial booking made by the home buyers, the construction cost has increased.”
In fact, the Amrapali Group was accused of not giving flats yet despite taking money from its customers. In such a situation, when the project was not completed, the matter reached the court. Dhoni was then the brand ambassador of Amrapali Group. He also shot many commercials for the group during that time. In the year 2016, several campaigns were run against Amrapali Group. After this, Dhoni had separated himself from this group.