Indian cricket has recently been abuzz with speculation about Sarfaraz Khan. Sarfaraz has generated traction recently with the abundance of runs he has been accumulating in domestic cricket, even though he has yet to win his first India cap. This has left fans and experts enraged over his continued non-selection for the national team. Despite all the noise, the 25-year-old maintained his composure as he scored another century in the Ranji Trophy two days after being passed over for a berth in the 17-person squad for the first two Tests against Australia.
Sarfaraz’s life hasn’t exactly been smooth. To make ends meet and support his kid in pursuing his goal of playing cricket, Naushad Khan took on odd jobs. Thus, Sarfaraz cherishes his father’s support above all else, which is perhaps what has helped him remain cool throughout his ongoing mental struggle despite the rejections.
Recalling his father’s memory, Sarfaraz said, “Abbu, Arjun Kitna naseebwala hai na? (Arjun is so lucky). He is Sachin sir’s son, and has cars, iPads, everything.”
Naushad was speechless but recalled that his kid shortly returned and hugged him while adding, “I’m more fortunate than him. You can devote the entire day to me. His father is not able to give him any time.
To make the Indian Test squad for the upcoming Border-Gavaskar series against Australia at home, Sarfaraz keeps compiling runs in the Ranji Trophy.