Shubman Gill Hospitalised, Ruled Out Of Blockbuster Clash Against Pakistan In ODI World Cup 2023?

The ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup 2023 has been off to an intense start, with cricket enthusiasts eagerly following their favorite teams’ journeys. However, one name has been notably absent from the Indian squad – the young and talented opener, Shubman Gill. 

Shubman Gill’s absence from the cricketing action was felt keenly by fans and cricket experts alike. The promising opener was admitted to a Chennai hospital due to a significant drop in his platelet count caused by dengue fever. This unexpected turn of events raised concerns about his participation in the highly anticipated World Cup 2023 clash against Pakistan, scheduled for October 14 in Ahmedabad.

Gill’s tryst with dengue fever had already forced him to sit out India’s opening match of the tournament against Australia in Chennai. His absence was a blow to the team, given his reputation as a reliable top-order batsman. Additionally, Gill was also ruled out of the subsequent match against Afghanistan, scheduled for October 11 in Delhi.

The young cricketer contracted dengue shortly after arriving in Chennai for the World Cup. This viral illness can be debilitating and often requires rest and medical attention for a full recovery. Gill’s health struggles lasted for nearly a week, impacting his ability to contribute to the team’s campaign.

According to sources from the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI), Shubman Gill received medical care at the team’s hotel in Chennai. However, the decision to hospitalize him was made when his platelet count dropped to 70,000. It’s worth noting that hospitalization is typically recommended for dengue patients when their platelet count falls below 100,000.

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“Shubman Gill was on drip at the Chennai team hotel for the last couple of days. However his platelet count dropped to 70,000 and as it is a case with dengue patients, once the count is below 100,000, you are admitted to a medical facility as a precautionary measure. Once the count again goes above 100,000, he would be discharged,” said the source.

Despite the challenges posed by dengue, there is hope for Shubman Gill’s swift recovery. Sources indicate that once his platelet count crosses the 100,000 mark, he will be discharged from the hospital. This development has left fans and the cricketing fraternity eagerly awaiting his return to the field.

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