Cricket Set To Return To Summer Olympics In 2028 After 128 years

Cricket’s return to the Olympics comes after an astonishing 128 years since its first and only appearance at the Games. This announcement has created a buzz of excitement among cricket enthusiasts and sports fans worldwide. The inclusion of cricket in the LA Olympics signifies a significant step towards expanding the sport’s reach and impact on a global scale.

The LA28 committee’s recommendation to include cricket, along with baseball/softball, flag football, lacrosse, and squash, has been met with anticipation and enthusiasm. The proposal will undergo review and ratification by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) during its executive board meeting in Mumbai, scheduled between October 12 and 14.

Casey Wasserman, the chairperson of LA28, expressed his belief that these five sports are “relevant, innovative, and community-based.” He emphasized their ability to enhance the Olympic movement, engage diverse fan bases, and amplify the Games’ presence in digital spaces. Wasserman’s vision underscores the importance of these sports in delivering a unique and unparalleled Olympic experience.

“LA28’s proposed sports ignite the imagination on the field of play and drive culture off it. They’re relevant, innovative, and community-based, played in backyards, schoolyards, community centers, stadiums, and parks across the U.S. and the globe. They will bring new athletes to the Games, engage diverse fanbases, and expand the Games’ presence in digital spaces, further amplifying LA28’s mission to deliver an unparalleled experience, ” Wasserman said. 

Greg Barclay, the chairman of the International Cricket Council (ICC), reacted to the recommendation with delight and caution. He acknowledged the significance of this recommendation and its potential to bring cricket back to the Olympics after more than a century. While not the final decision, this recommendation is indeed a historic landmark for the sport.

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“We are delighted that LA28 has recommended cricket for inclusion in the Olympics. Whilst this is not the final decision, it is a very significant landmark towards seeing cricket at the Olympics for the first time in more than a century,” Barclay said in a media release.

Cricket’s journey to being reconsidered for the Olympics gained momentum when it was added to a shortlist of nine sports last July. This shortlist, which included cricket alongside baseball/softball, flag football, lacrosse, breakdancing, karate, kickboxing, squash, and motorsport, was under consideration by the IOC for potential inclusion.

During the presentation made to LA28, the ICC recommended a six-team T20 cricket event for both men and women. The participating teams would comprise the top-six ranked sides in the ICC’s men’s and women’s T20 rankings on a specified cut-off date. This format was chosen for its suitability, aligning with LA28 and IOC criteria, including the presence of a world championship, a compact duration, and significant spectator interest.

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