As per the PTI report, former BCCI president Sourav Ganguly is all set to be appointed as the new Director of Cricket of Delhi Capitals. Earlier, he acted as an advisor of the IPL franchises in 2019, after which he was appointed BCCI president. Sourav will also supervise these franchises in the different leagues worldwide, along with the ILT20 team Dubai Capitals and the SA T20 League team Pretoria Capitals.
“Yes, Sourav Ganguly will be back with Delhi Capitals this year. The discussions and modalities are over. He has worked with the franchise, shares a good comfort level with owners, and if he had worked in IPL, it would have always been with DC,” as per the source.
Ganguly also has experience in the Indian Premier League as a player. He captained the Kolkata Knight Riders at the start of the IPL and the Pune Warriors. In 2019, he was appointed president of the BCCI and managed the Indian cricket team.
Now, the head coach of the Delhi Capitals, Ricky Ponting, and former Indian opener batter will work together for the DC in the IPL 2023.
However, they both played together in 2008 for Kolkata Knight Riders. And in the upcoming season of IPL, their most important work is to appoint a skipper for Delhi Capitals.
However, Delhi Capitals is yet to confirm this news.